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Online Banking User Guides

We want to make sure your Online Banking experience is convenient, no matter if you're at work or home using a laptop, tablet, or mobile device. To help you with the process, below are user guides available for your use.


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Add Your Debit Card to Mobile Wallet

Step 1: Open the Town & Country Bank Digital Banking App

A screenshot of the Town & Country Bank mobile app displays a checking account summary with a balance of $0.00. The screen includes sections for 'Quick Pay' and 'Monthly Activity,' showing a graph of past transactions. A large blue arrow points to the 'Menu' button in the bottom navigation bar, which also includes options for 'Transfers,' 'Locations,' and 'Profile.'"

Step 2: Choose “Manage Cards” from the Menu

Screenshot of the Town & Country Bank mobile app displaying the side menu. The menu has a brown background with white text and is divided into sections, including 'View Accounts,' 'Pay, Transfer, & Receive,' 'Documents & Settings,' and 'Connect with Us.' A large blue arrow points to the 'Manage Cards' option under the 'Documents & Settings' section, indicating where users can access card management features

Step 3: Select the Debit Card you want to add to Mobile Wallet

Screenshot of Town & Country Bank Mobile displaying debit cards under the My Cards with the blue arrow pointing to the debit card named TC Money

Step 4: Click the “add to mobile wallet icon” and follow prompts

Screenshot of the Town & Country Bank mobile app displaying the Edit Card screen with the TC Money debit card. A blue arrow points to the option to select Apple Wallet to add the debit card, and the screen also shows where to turn the debit card on and off within the app. The image contains the text: Turning your card off only impacts future debit card (point of sale and ATM) transactions. Any previously authorized transactions will be paid, and any recurring transactions you had previously set up will still occur. Turning your card OFF will not affect your checks, mobile or internet transfers, bill payments, or any other type of transactions in your accounts.

Town & Country Bank’s Routing/ABA #081503704

Report a Lost/Stolen ATM or Debit Card

To report a lost or stolen Town & Country Bank ATM or Debit Card, contact your local branch or if after hours, call 1-573-453-2982

Practical Money Skills

Whether you’re managing a family budget, teaching financial skills in the classroom, or navigating life as a young adult, our resources provide practical tips and valuable support. We offer guidance on budgeting, saving, and investing, tailored to different life stages and financial goals. Our tools and advice are designed to help you make informed decisions, build financial literacy, and achieve financial stability and success.

Let’s Get Started


Town & Country Bank is dedicated to ensuring security and privacy for each customer. Our Privacy Policy explains in detail what we do with your personal information, including what information we collect and how we use that information. Click here to view details of our Town & Country Bank Privacy Policy or to exercise your privacy choice.

Town & Country Bank’s Primary Regulator:

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

One Federal Reserve Bank Plaza
Broadway and Locust Street
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis, MO 63166-0442


Town & Country Bank is an FDIC-insured bank. For more information about FDIC insurance coverage, visit:


Lenders who originate mortgage loans are required to be registered. You may verify Mortgage Companies and individuals at the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) and Registry Consumer Access site:


Protect Your Privacy

Ways Identity Theft Can Happen

Identity thieves can steal your personal information in many ways– online and offline.

  • DUMPSTER DIVING – Rummaging through trash, looking for bills or other paper with your personal information.
  • SKIMMING – Steal credit/debit card numbers using a special storage device when processing your card.
  • PHISHING – Pretending to be a financial institution, company, or government agency and sending emails or text messages asking you to reveal your personal information via an email, text message, phone call, or website pop-up message.
  • HACKING – Hacking into your email or other online accounts to access your personal information or a company’s database to access its records.
  • “OLD-FASHIONED” STEALING – Stealing wallets and purses, mail (including bank and credit card statements), pre-approved credit offers, and new checks or tax information. They steal personnel records from their employers or bribe employees who have access.
Text and Email Phishing

Think before you click that link.

Phishing emails or text messages aim to deceive you into disclosing sensitive information like passwords, PINs, or social security numbers. These links are usually transmitted through unsolicited messages.

Here are four tips to help you avoid text and email message scams.

  1.  Think before you act. Acting too quickly when you receive phishing text messages can unintentionally give scammers access to your bank account and money. Scammers want you to feel confused or rushed, which is always a red flag. Town & Country Bank will never threaten you into responding or use high-pressure tactics.
  2.  Don’t click links. Never click on a link sent via an unsolicited text or email, especially if it asks you to log in to your bank account. Scammers often use this tactic to steal your username and password. When in doubt, use Town & Country Bank’s secure mobile app or online banking portal.
  3.  Never send personal information via text message. Town & Country Bank will never ask you for your PIN, password, or one-time login code or ask you to verify a transaction via text or an email message. If you receive a text or email message asking for personal information, it’s a scam.
  4. Delete the message. If you are reporting the message, take a screenshot to share, then delete it.
Best Practices Email Security

Tips for Keeping your email safe and secure.

  • Don’t trust the display name. Always check the email address in the header; flag the email if it looks suspicious. If something seems odd or surprising, be suspicious. Phishing emails may even appear to come from a known sender or trusted source.
  • Analyze the salutation. Is the email addressed to a vague “Valued Customer?” If so, watch out. Legitimate businesses will often use a personal greeting with your first and last name.
  • Don’t be intimidated. Invoking a sense of urgency or fear is a common phishing tactic. Beware of subject lines claiming your “account has been suspended” or asking you to action an “urgent payment request.”
  • Review the signature. The lack of details about the signer or how to contact a company suggests phishing. Legitimate businesses always provide contact details.
  • Don’t give up personal or company confidential information. Most companies will never ask for personal credentials via email, especially banks. Likewise, most companies will have policies preventing external communications of business I.P. Stop yourself before revealing confidential information over email.
Tips for Passwords

Strong passwords should be hard to guess but easy to remember.

  • Do not use common words, names, or special dates. Using pets’ or people’s names, birthdays, anniversary dates, or zip codes is not a good idea. Attackers can easily obtain this information through social media accounts.
  • Avoid entering passwords into public computers. Public computers, like at the library, often have malware that steals passwords. Avoid entering passwords into a device when connected to an unsecured Wi-Fi connection. Also, remember to log off each time if using a public device.
  • Don’t share your passwords with anyone. Though you might trust them now, there is no guarantee that they will always have your best interest in mind. Be aware of attackers trying to trick you into revealing your passwords through email, text, or calls.
  • Use different passwords for different accounts and devices so that if attackers use one password, they will not have access to all your accounts.

What are some common Schemes?

Town & Country Bank advises people to talk to their family members about schemes and how to avoid fraud. People are generally less likely to fall for a scheme if they’ve already heard about it.

When in doubt about an email or text you receive with a link, contact your local branch to speak to a banker before you click.

A perpetrator pretends to be a grandchild, law enforcement officer, or medical professional with a story that the grandchild is in legal or medical trouble and needs money immediately to resolve the issue. Scam artists can easily access grandkids’ personal information from simple internet research. Never give money or personal information. Say you’ll call back and check with other relatives before doing anything.

This includes fake sweepstakes, the most common form of fraud that impacts seniors. Any sweepstakes or lottery that requires advance fees or upfront charges is a scam. Never wire money to a stranger. Another type of telemarketing scam is the fake governmental agency call, which aims to get access to government benefits and includes requests for personal information such as social security numbers or Medicare information. Ask for the request in writing and go to the official government webpage—if it exists—to find contact information. Then call that agency directly. Never give personal information to someone who calls.

Every American older than 65 is eligible for Medicare, and scam artists often pose as Medicare representatives to solicit personal information. As mentioned above, a caller may claim to represent a government agency and state that a Medicare or Medicaid card needs to be replaced. This is a ruse to get a senior’s personal information for identity theft.  Fraudulent medical bills are then filed with Medicare using the stolen identity. Other scams provide services and screenings through mobile clinics at senior centers, and personal information is collected to bill Medicare for fraudulent services. Always ask questions and know that free services should never require that personal information be provided.

Remember that if it seems too good to be true, it usually is. Be suspicious of anyone who promises massive returns on an investment or offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Be sure to only deal with reputable and credible institutions. Before making any investment, no matter the amount, check with your financial planner or a trusted loved one to ensure it’s legitimate.

Repair fraud is widespread. Never pay for a repair upfront—often, the services may never be provided. Check with friends and family members about costs and the schedule of things you’re unsure of, such as how often to change your tires or the going rate for lawn care.

This usually happens in two ways. First, a perpetrator will scan obituaries and contact the grieving widow or widower with a claim that the deceased had an outstanding debt. Never pay this without independent confirmation. Alternately, seniors are exploited by disreputable funeral homes, which will use unfamiliarity with funeral costs to add unnecessary charges.

What Is Smishing?

Smishing—or SMS/text message phishing—is using text messaging to steal personal information and money and commit fraud.

Learn to Spot Smishes

Fraudulent text/SMS messages are always unsolicited. That is, they just show up on your phone and are not a response to a text that you sent. They may prompt you to click a link or reply—usually by offering you something or provoking your curiosity or fear. Here are some smish examples:

  • A bank texts to tell you your account is frozen or to verify a transaction—but it may not even be your bank. This is a scam that steals your banking information. The scammers will ask for your account number, supposedly for confirmation.
  • You’ve won a prize in a contest you never entered. Pressing the link in the text or replying will entangle you in requests for account information or payment of fees to receive a prize that never arrives.
  • You are offered a low or no-credit interest credit card—but the deal seems too good to be true, and you never requested information about it. Following the link and entering information gives your personal identity information to a scammer.
  • Your package has arrived—but you never ordered one. The fraudulent package tracking link will take you to a site asking for your credit card number to cover shipping costs or for other personal information.
  • According to a misspelled text message from an unknown number, your account has suspicious activity. Do not respond to unexpected or unsolicited text messages. Instead, investigate using a trusted website or phone number.

If You Get a Smish

  • Do not reply. That alerts the sender that the number is active.
  • Do not open links from unknown numbers or unsolicited, unexpected texts.
  • If you aren’t sure and think the message may be legitimate, contact the sender at a verified phone number or website to check.

Helpful Links:

Here are some links below to reputable service organizations that can help prevent, identify, and resolve fraud. Please remember that we are here to help you and can be reached at (573)453-2982


Questions about a new loan?

Contact us at loanapps@tcbanks.com

Town & Country Bank is focused on providing fast customer service whenever possible. However, we cannot guarantee immediate response to e-mail inquiries. Please call your local Town & County Bank if you have a question that requires immediate attention. E-mail messages may not be secure.

Address for Qualified Written Requests – Mortgage

Requests for information relating to the servicing of your loan or a notice of possible error on your loan account should be made in writing and delivered to:

Town & Country Bank
PO Box 349
Salem, MO 65560

This Letter must include the name of the borrower, account number, and must state the information you are requesting or the error you believe has occurred regarding your mortgage loan.